In Longue Longue’s latest release which I guess it’s also going to be as successful as his previous releases, we saw an artist putting all the energy and seriousness he’s got. Something very different from what we usually  saw on Facebook. The Video done by our very own Dr Nkeng Stephens is another expression of creativity in video directing.
I bet many people will be surprised after watching this video. Surprised simply because they could not expect something as good as this, coming from an artiste who of recent was a laughing stock on social Media due to his funny Live Sessions.

Let me remind you that he was invited on “disons tout”, a talk show broadcasted on equinox TV on September 27,2017 just to explain the new phenomena of going live on Facebook and making declarations especially those in which he was asking our famous writer Calixthe Beyala’s hand in marriage. Funny right?
It’s very clear and I can say without any doubts that he was playing with our minds. He had us looking at the wrong direction. Because when we were busy looking at his Facebook dramas, “Le Libérateur” as he is also called, was in the studio cooking something hot for his fans with the help of Nika, one of our female upcoming artists. The song “Complétons nous” was mixed by Phil B and talks about people getting in relationships because of the need to be completed with what they don’t have.

Frank Parfait Namekong
