New Bell MusicĀ  Has been doing enough of the music, now its time for the business. Showbiz has always been about the music and the biz which is the mulah( dough /budget/mbom or many call it Money). Being Currently the best rapper in the country with the most albums and the most songs/hits… it is sad to say the the New Bell Music Boss & rapper hasn’t been able to be on tour/ many shows as one would have expected. But hold on a minute, Cameroon’s best rapper alive and pace setter Jovi , just announced on his twitter handle that he would be on a World Tour this year, Isnt that great news? . New Bell Music is finally getting it , It started with Reniss, and now Jovi is about to pull those big crowds. What’s advantageous with Tours is that, you get new inspiration, you meet new people, new environment, Possible groundbreaking collaborations, and you get to meet your fans across the globe…the advantages are enormous and endless. Nevertheless this is good news not only to his fans, but to artists in the Diaspora who have always fantasized on doing music with the MbokoGod, Whats next? Get to work fam, time to drop those musical missiles, its now or NEVER. See his tweets below and Tell us what you think about this move by the MbokoGod.