Why are modern ladies Telenovelas addicts? Sometimes not because the stories are very engaging. Most of these series carry the same plot. Just the cast, crew and production houses differ. Sometimes they do because it is an escape route to fantasy land. The Telenovelas protagonists are the archetype of the perfect men or women. These ladies just want to fantasize over what a perfect man-woman relationship should be or look like. All of this can be summarized into one word: R-O-M-A-N-C-E! Yes, the male protagonists are “romantic prototypes”.

The billion franc question is: HOW MANY MEN TREAT THEIR WOMEN RIGHT? It should not be about acrobatics in bed.

In case you are wondering what a good relationship full of romance could be or look like, I’ll recommend Lionel Scofield’s latest release: Relationship Goals (Produced By DJ W a.k.a. Large Pro). A lecture for men who live by the hit-and-run creed. Get your notepads and scribble down his lyrics and slot inside your wallet. Save them as your phone’s wallpaper if possible. That will serve as a constant reminder each time you unlock your phone to do something unorthodox, such as scheming with a side chick.

Why waste more of your time lecturing you with this article when the song is there for that purpose? Don’t treat your woman right only on Val’s day. Treat her right every day. It’s a N.Y.A.N.C.H.I Thing!

(Song Review By Lord Voldermort of Zebracomics)