“If laughter is the best medicine, Caro & Copees are your doctors ready to prescribe your weekly dose every Friday on their YouTube channel. Being a lover of entertainment, most especially comedy, the YouTube channel of Copees Comedy World is the main hub where you get all the laughter.
Starting off the comedy journey with Copees dressing up like a women and Caro her friend, both comedians ripped off men by extortion. Yes they did so in a hilarious way. Moving on, they switched roles and brought in a new strategy. The Copees Comedy World and the characters of Copees and Caro.
Lovert Lambe ( Copees ) and Mbeng Lilian ( Caro ) in less than a year have captured the hearts of many Cameroonians with the originality, talent, drama and content which is relatable. They have been the most talked about actors in Cameroon without getting major roles in a movie. Just their normal skits and social media presence. Their slangs, curses, make up, outfits have been the topic and spice of their drama. It is difficult to watch an episode without cracking a rib.
Copees Comedy World joined YouTube on the 24th of May 2020 and with close to 25.000 subscribers, they have been able to break their own record every Friday by recording over 1.400.000 views on YouTube.
What is the magic ? Which “soap” are they using ? Can other comedians and skit makers learn from their strategies ? Leave a comment!