First and foremost, let’s start by defining who a blogger is. According to a blogger is someone who writes blogs posts for a blog. A blog can be described as an online journal or diary. Nowadays, it’s definition has been spiced up to mean a new form of online journalism. That’s wikipedia for you.

It’s not a thing of today when you hear the popular saying ”A prophet is never welcomed in his home town This is the exact manner is which some Cameroonians react when they hear about bloggers. To them, Cameroon has no blogger yet. After reading the definition of blogger I wonder how they interpreted it. To them, a blogger is any idle someone with a laptop, cheap phones and data connection for CFA1000. From such description one can easily measure the IQ of many Cameroonians.

Why will Cameroonians think that there are no bloggers in Cameroon yet? Do bloggers need an extra body part to come into existence? Do they need mystical powers? Why is it hard for some of you guys to accept, respect and appreciate a group of people trying their very best to uplift the entertainment industry?

This year’s Easter season, controversies between Artiste Ambe of RedEye Entertainment versus bloggers almost interrupted Christ’s resurrection as the singer went tĂȘte a tĂȘte with some Camer bloggers. Although the feud between both parties seems to be dying down. A good number of artistes, producers and video directors seem to recognize the role of bloggers in the industry. Mind you, the higher population saying Cameroon doesn’t have bloggers are a group of people who don’t even hire services of bloggers.

Below are screenshots of some Camer acts recognizing bloggers.

Hit54 Studio’s Video Director Geraldrico Guevara appreciating Bloggers


Stanley Enow on twitter asking God to bless bloggers all over the world.


CPE video director Dr Nkeng Stephens saying thank you.


#KamerFest2018 officiel cypher producer Mr Mccoy fueling in those encouraging words.

From the above screenshots coming from persons who know and have felt the impact of bloggers in their careers, do you still stand on your point that Camer has no bloggers?

Tell us in the comment section. What are your thoughts

Victor Kange
